Does fish consumption at an early age increase the risk of developing eczema or asthma?
Unlike hives, food allergy is not as common as you think among eczema kids. In fact, less than 20% of children who have eczema have food allergies. With that said, among kids with eczema who are allergic to dairy products, eggs, nuts, or shellfish, parents try very hard to eliminate such foods from their diet. For many cases, food allergies could lead to complications, even life-threatening reactions, and must be treated right away. Is eating fish, then, a good idea or a bad one?
Recent findings show that fish consumption at the age of one may lead to a 30% reduced risk of developing eczema, asthma, and wheeze. It turns out that omega-3 fatty acids can do wonders for little ones!
How much fish oil does the little one need? Based on the study, consumption of cod liver oil more than four times per week was associated with a lower prevalence of current eczema, asthma, and wheeze.
Another interesting find is that there are no consistent associations between allergy-related outcomes and fish or cod liver oil consumption by mothers.
How is your baby's skin rash connected to vitamin D?
In 2011, Dr. Peroi et al. published a paper in the British Journal of Dermatology, discovering that the lower the vitamin D level, the worse the eczema is for children.
You might have heard of phototherapy for treating eczema patients. The idea is to use narrow band UVB to increase calcitriol (vitamin D3) level. The effects could result in local immunosuppression and direct anti-itch effects. In in-vitro studies, vitamin D3 (calcitriol) has been shown to induce cathelicidin expression in keratinocytes, which enhances antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. While getting such therapy requires serious commitment (multiple visits to a dermatologist) and deals with certain side effects, vitamin D could potentially be obtained through alternative sources other than light or sun array. For instance, you may focus on fortified food (cereals and juice) or vitamin D supplements. We recommend L’il Critters Vitamin D Gummy Bears, which are vitamins designed for children. You can get them from Amazon or local stores.